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Songs of Light, Love and Devotion. Version vom 15.6.2024

Im Auftrag des Lichts

Om Namah Shivaya (Krishna Das)

Music & Lyrics: Krishna Das


I bow to the Soul of all. I bow to my Self. I don’t know who I am, so I bow to you, Shiva, my own

true Self. I bow to my teachers who loved me with Love. Who took care of me when I couldn’t

take care of myself. I owe everything to them. How can I repay them? They have everything in the

world. Only my love is mine to give, but in giving I find that it is their love flowing through me back

to the world…I have nothing. I have everything. I want nothing. Only let it flow to you, my love…



|| Am | F | G | Am ||


Sing in Kirtan (Call Response) 🧡


Am F G Am Am

Om Namah Shivaaya – Om Namah Shivaaya (2x)


Am F G Am Am

Shivaaya namaha – Shivaaya namah om (2x)


Am F G Am

Shivaaya namaha – namaha Shivaaya


Am F G Am Am F G Am

Shambhu Shankara namah Shivaaya – Girijaa Shankara namah Shivaaya (2x)


C F G Am

Om Namah Shivaaya – Om Namah Shivaaya (2x)


Am F G Am

Arunaachala Shiva namah Shivaaya


Am F G Am

Shivaaya namaha, namaha Shivaaya

Songs of Light, Love and Devotion

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